Don't you want your child to be a medical doctor?

*Empowering you to Brainstorm, Tune-up and Polish your BS/MD Applications!*

1. Why should I choose BS/MD Application Boot Camp for my child?

We believe it's obvious!  You want to increase your child's chances of being accepted to a BS/MD program!  Because, after all of your child's hard work: You don't want to be in the 95% of students who are rejected from these programs.  You want to be certain that you have not forgotten something or made a mistake that will result in your child's rejection.  Most importantly you see your child, in high school, as a future medical doctor! 

Our fee is a drop in the bucket compared to what K-12 education, college and medical school costs!

2. Who should attend BS/MD Application Boot Camp?

We recommend BS/MD Application Boot Camp for:

  • Current high school juniors who will be rising seniors this summer and are applying to BS/MD programs.
  • International students applying to BS/MD programs.
  • Students interested in working in small groups and one-on-one consultations with personalized assistance.
  • Students who want to increase their chances that their applications will be stamped ACCEPTED!

3. My child has high grades, high SAT scores, volunteered abroad, completed science and/or medical research, shadowed doctors, excellent recommendations and is preparing to write a great essay. I believe that he/she is phenomenal. So why should he or she need to attend BS/MD Application Boot Camp?

The above qualifications are now par for the course when applying to BS/MD programs.  At BS/MD Application Boot Camp, we say to parents that "your child is unique like every other competitive and smart student applying to highly selective schools".  For every one great student, there are 2000 or more students that have a similar profile who are vying for the same spot in a BS/MD program.  We help students stand out in their applications!  Most importantly, we visit schools, talk with directors of admissions, know what they are looking for and what they are not! 
We know what you don't know!

It takes an admissions committee 8 minutes or less to decide an applicant’s fate – DENY or ACCEPT.  See Dr. Lowe's blog:
Top Colleges Speed Read Applications!  Why gamble with uncertainty?

4. Why do you need BSMDABC when he/she already has a public high school guidance counselor or a private high school college counselor?

When applying to BS/MD programs,
you NEED BS/MD admissions experts who know more than public high school guidance counselors or private high school college counselors!  Public high school guidance counselors and private school college counselor do not have experience or time to review the details of your BS/MD applications.  And during the summer, they are on vacation!

BS/MD admissions counseling experts who:

  • Visit programs and understand the real-time changes and admissions policies
  • Visit and evaluate colleges and universities annually and know their admissions policies.
  • Have a wealth of contacts, connections, expertise and experience.
  • Have long-standing relationships and connections with directors of admissions.
  • Have a superior college placement track record.
  • Have attended top-tier and highly selective colleges and universities.
  • Have personally experienced, as parents, the College Admissions Maze.
  • Received certification in college counseling.
  • Provide one-on-one sessions, after school, evenings and on weekends.

5. What is a sample day at BS/MD Application Boot Camp? A sample day?  What's included in our fee?

10:00am -10:30am | Homework Review
10:30am - 11:00am | Student Resume Development - "Stand out from the Crowd!"
11:00am - 12:00pm | Tips & Recommendations/Brainstorming (group and individual session)
Noon - 1:00pm | Break
1:00pm - 2:00pm | Common Application & BS/MD Application Part I (group and individual session)
2:00pm - 3:00pm | Common Application & BS/MD Application Part II (group and individual session)
3:00pm - 4:00pm | Wrap up and Homework Assignment
4:00pm - 4:30pm | Bonus Period - For students who may have additional questions.

We provide ultimate planning and strategy sessions for your unique BS/MD application.  All BS/MD Application Boot Camp materials and guidebook are also included. 

6. Is there follow-up after BS/MD Application Boot Camp ends?


After your BSMDABC session ends, we provide a "Follow-up application consultation" for each attendee which includes:

  • College application review including your early action/decision application.
  • Pre-submission application reviews, including supplementals.

7. Where is B/MD Application Boot Camp located?

Each BS/MD Application Boot Camp 2-day session will be broadcasted at Pinnacle Educational Centers in
 Woodbridge, CT 

8. How many students are enrolled per camp session?

For personalized attention, we enroll
up to 10 students per camp session.  In that way, all individual questions are answered and we can provide personalized advice and college application strategies to each student!

9. When should I register?

Now! Space is limited!